Find sold property prices at ESPC

Need to know a property's previous selling price? Or are you researching the average selling price for properties in a particular area?

You can find sold prices on and discover how much a property in a certain area could be worth.

Woman with dog outside sold property

Our sold house prices search helps you search historic property prices, combining the exclusive ESPC archive and Registers of Scotland data.

Whether you are a seller or a buyer, this can really help you research the current property market in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders, and understand what properties have been selling for in your chosen area.

Why do you need to know sold property prices?

There are lots of benefits to doing your research and investigating property selling prices before you start your home-buying or selling journey.

If you're buying a property, you can find out how much property in your local area is selling for, so you can plan your budget and work out what you may need to spend when offering on a property.

If you're selling a property, you can compare your home with other properties that have recently sold in your area, and get an understanding of selling prices and what you might be able to expect to sell your home for.

Are you a property investor? Researching selling prices can help you get a great understanding of property hotspots, and allow you to manage your property investment budget prior to beginning your search.

Nosy neighbour? Nothing wrong with that! Find out how much that house in your street actually sold for, using our handy search tool. 

Search property sold prices with ESPC today.

Find out more about selling property

Thinking of selling your home? Find out more about the next steps here.

ESPC offers free valuations on your property, arrange your free valuation today.

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